A young person trying to move from homelessness to housing has to jump over so many hurdles and some of those hurdles are the services and systems that are supposed to help. We could describe some of those systems but young people who have experienced them say it best:
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This year, we’ve reformed the Index to focus on unhoused youth and young adults (YYA), aligning it with their experiences and policy needs. Shifting from harm reduction to transformative change, some jurisdictions may see lower scores than before. This is a deliberate strategy, not a setback. Lower scores should motivate, not discourage, jurisdictions. They present an opportunity to adopt policies that effectively tackle and prevent youth homelessness, fostering meaningful progress.
Waiver of Parental Notice When Minors Consent to Shelter
- Autonomy
- Homelessness services
The jurisdiction allows unhoused minors to consent to shelter and related services with a waiver or delay of parental notification requirements
Young people may require emergency shelter due to abuse, neglect, or homelessness. However, they may not feel comfortable or safe seeking out this shelter if they know that their parents will be notified. In such cases, some jurisdictions have laws that allow minors to consent to shelter without the need for parental notification or with a delay of notification.
Key | Metric Score | Type of Policy | Description |
1.5 | Transformative Edge | Minors 12 years old (or younger) can consent to shelter and there are broad exceptions to parental notification | |
1.0 | Reform | Minors 13-15 years old can consent to shelter and there are broad exceptions to parental notification | |
0.5 | Harm Reduction | Minors 16 or 17 years old can consent to shelter and there are broad exceptions to parental notification | |
Coming Soon | Minors can consent only if parents can’t be found | ||
0.0 | Status Quo | No minor consent but jurisdiction has a 72 hour safe harbor provision | |
-1.0 | Violent | Jurisdiction criminalizes providing shelter to minors without parental consent | |
Coming Soon | Only minors who are sexually exploited can consent to shelter | ||
Coming Soon | Definition of shelter “provider” very limited and/or there are other barriers to youth being able to self-refer to shelter | ||
No Data | No Data | No Data |
Cite: National Homelessness Law Center and True Colors United. "Youth Homelessness Index, Waiver of Parental Notice When Minors Consent to Shelter" https://youthhomelessnessindex.org/maps/waiver-of-parental-notice-when-minors-consent-to-shelter/. Accessed: February 8, 2025.
In many jurisdictions, minors have limited autonomy when it comes to entering into contracts for rental properties, obtaining medical care, and other important decisions that affect their lives. However, there is a growing movement to increase the autonomy of minors in these areas. One important step is to allow minors to enter into rental contracts, which would give them greater control over their living arrangements. Additionally, providing a statutory process for emancipation gives minors who are already supporting themselves the legal right to make their own decisions.
Another area where autonomy is important is minors’ ability to consent to shelter and services, a crucial tool in ensuring that unhoused youth get the help and support they need.
“The money and resources that are being provided have too many barriers. Lack of documentation or other things necessary to qualify is a huge barrier. Have to be on the verge of homelessness or losing services in order to qualify for the assistance. Should be fixed BEFORE it gets to the point of almost losing housing or utilities.” – Joel Swazo
Model Statute:
Homelessness services
Model Statute:
These maps are provided as legal information only and should not be used as legal advice for your specific situation. If you need help with any of the issues described on this website, please check out the Homeless Youth Legal Network (HYLN) directory OR email or call HYLN for help finding a referral to a lawyer.